Saturday, February 22, 2020

Aviation in the United States Navy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aviation in the United States Navy - Essay Example ogically superior and readily available. Using a full-spectrum approach, the command delivers solutions at optimal costs and provide support for vital programs for the U.S. Navy.NAVAIR works effectively as part of a warfighting partnership, known as the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) and the larger Navy Enterprise, through which interdependent issues affecting multiple commands are resolved on an Enterprise-wide basis. The NAVAIR Commander serves as the NAE operations officer" In this particular case, it is now established that the industry focuses more on conventional and advanced warfare. In this case, if we are to analyze the said inductry is limited to industries concerning avaition operation solely on the category of warfare technology. In this case, the said industry is only concerned on the propagation, development, repair and evaluation of aircrafts that are needed by the Naval Branch of the armed forces. Furthermore, Goodspeed (2006) in dealing with history claims that "On May 8, 1911 the Navy ordered its first airplanes and United States Naval Aviation was born. The Navy's aviation arm was founded on the same courage and spirit that still define its ranks: self-taught flier Eugene Ely, wearing a football helmet and bicycle inner tube as a life preserver became the first man to both take off and land on the deck of a ship. Over the next nine decades Naval Aviation has roared forward on the backs of the most advanced aircraft and well-trained avia tors and flight crews in the world" This means that if we are to deal with the number of interest and services it caters; categorically it only caters the microcosm part of the society particularly the armed forces. In this case, it only meets the needs of a certain amount of individuals in one particular organization which is the Naval Command. However, if we are to further deal with how it affects individuals as a whole, then we have to search for macro economic variables to know how it affects or influence individuals and organizations in general. Environmental Analysis of Aviation in the United States Navy 3 In looking for a macrocosmic variables, it is very important to look into the process and the quantity of how the organization affects individuals through its productions, services rendered and other variables to point out the origin of these and how it affects macrocosmic activities. The impact of the Naval aircraft with regards to security of the United States as a Nation and as a frontline of democracy in the world is so tremendous and this industry is of big help- The website (2006) states that "The objective of Navy Aerial Support is to help facilitate and coordinate the distribution of naval aircraft and aviation resources to public demonstrations across the United States" which means that the said

Thursday, February 6, 2020

ICECREAM AND FRUIT PUNCH Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ICECREAM AND FRUIT PUNCH - Article Example censure revocation, and prohibition of an individual to participate in care delivery (Minimum standards and guiding principles for collegiate schools of nursing in Maryland, 2005). The disciplinary and guarantee action that has been taken by the states board of nursing council for duration of may 1 2010 to July 10 2010 were about 200 cases. Previous to the states board arrives to the concluding verdict on individual’s case, there are measures, which are stated and followed in order to arrive at the final decision. If the board receives a case or information that a nurse has violated the stipulated laws, the nursing board will eventually carry out investigation on complain. Before the verdict is determined about nitpick, the nurse is given a room to a due process that requires availing of enough notice, the description of the charges, and the chance for a hearing (Maryland State Board of Nursing, 2009). If the evidence provided does not support the allegation, complains putted forward will be dismissed. On the other hand, when the evidence matches or support the allegations, the disciplinary measures to be given to the nurse will include reprimand, denial, probation, fine, suspension, and the revocation of the nurse certificate. The penalty given or disciplinary measures given will depend on the recency of the offence and severity, the degree to which an individual diverted from the required standard, previous disciplinary history, individual ability to practice safely, and the mitigating factors (Nurse Practice Act: chapter 632: Maryland revised statutes and administrative code, 2008). According to the disciplinary action given to Rogers Michelle license number R131222, his license was canceled for duration of five years. The main reasons to the disciplinary action give to the nurse was that; he violated the stipulated nurses act, being involved in unprofessional conduct, and use of drugs while at duty. According to the board, the nurse has been screen